
Queen Elizabeth II wearing green dress sitting in a chair speaking


Royal Honor

Steve Vear, DTM

Man onstage looking into camera with arms stretched out


Clowning Around

Don Colliver

Silhouette of man gazing up at starry sky

Personal Growth

Meet Your Future Self—Today

Ryan Levesque, DTM

Woman in red shirt speaking to man over coffee

Professional Development

Next-Step Networking

Victor David

Man onstage speaking to online audience


Presenting in Today’s Virtual World

Dave Zielinski

Cartoon woman speaking at podium onstage

Cross-Cultural Communication

5 Tips for Becoming a Culturally Intelligent Speaker

David Livermore, Ph.D.

Man in blue shirt and tie speaking

Your Turn

Toastmasters and Physics

Mervin Bierman, DTM

Two men smiling outside

Your Turn

The Most Important Speech

Robert A. Nevarez

Speaking skill matrix with 110 skills

Presentation Skills

Harness 110 Speaking Skills

David JP Phillips

Smartphone with hearts and thumbs up icons

Club Experience

5 Social Media Tips for Club Leaders

Victoria Salem

Man speaking to two women at networking event

Professional Development

How to Network Like a Pro

Victor David

Multi-color talk bubbles

Presentation Skills

Let Your Stories Talk

Craig Valentine